Use partial Sass files, all partial files should include style.scss


  • Basically, use double slash //
  • Write comments, it will help everyone ;)


  • Use the scss syntax

Ordering of property declarations

  1. Property declarations

    List all standard property declarations, anything that isn’t an @include or a nested selector.

    .parent {
     border: 1px solid #000;
     background-color: #fff;
  2. @include declarations

    Grouping @includes at the end makes it easier to read the entire selector.

    .parent {
     border: 1px solid #000;
     background-color: #fff;
     @include transition(background 0.5s ease);
  3. Nested selectors

    Put a whitespace above a nested selector

    .parent {
     border: 1px solid #000;
     background-color: #fff;
     @include transition(background 0.5s ease);
     &__child {


  • Dash-cased variable names $local-variable
  • Global variable names add the prefix _ and based in attribute (e.g. $_color-primary).
  • Local variable names do not need the prefix but create it in mixin or module directories.


If you repeat the code, you should make a mixin. Do not forget DRY and KISS principle.

File Name _mixin-name.scss

Directory src/sass/helper/

Nested Selectors

Do not nest selectors more than three levels deep.

.parent {
  // Block

  &__child {
    // Element

    &--grandchild {
      // Modifier


├── _variables.scss
├── base
│   ├── _form.scss
│   ├── _list.scss
│   ├── _reboot.scss
│   ├── _typography.scss
│   └── _utils.scss
├── components
│   ├── _container.scss
│   └── _flex.scss
├── helper
│   ├── _container.scss
│   ├── _flex.scss
│   ├── _font-size.scss
│   ├── _mediaquery.scss
│   └── function
│       ├── _em-calc.scss
│       └── _strip-unit.scss
├── layouts
│   ├── _footer.scss
│   ├── _global.scss
│   └── _header.scss
└── style.scss